Beyond “Just be more strategic”: why most executive assistant career development training misses the point
Executive assistant career development has been stuck in the ‘strategic partnership’ narrative for decades. Discover why this model fails EAs.
Workplace Insights by Adrie van der Luijt | Public Speaking & Training for Executive Assistants
The traditional executive
assistant role is dead.
And that is brilliant news.
For four decades, I’ve watched how organisations simultaneously devalued management support while becoming utterly dependent on it. I don’t offer technological solutions or vague advice about becoming ‘more strategic’. I provide frameworks for navigating the profound contradictions at the heart of our profession.
Adrie van der Luijt
Founder of Workplace Insights
Executive assistant career development has been stuck in the ‘strategic partnership’ narrative for decades. Discover why this model fails EAs.
AI in the workplace promises revolutionary transformation, yet management support professionals are caught in a reality gap, simultaneously told AI mastery is essential whilst facing substantial organisational barriers that prevent actual adoption.
Skills disruption in the coming years won’t be gentle or fair. Your ability to evolve your capabilities might be the only job security you’ve got.
Male Executive Assistant roles are still rare in the management support profession, which remains stubbornly gendered despite evolving roles.
EA role transformation in an AI-driven world is hampered by a fundamental misunderstanding of what makes a management support professional valuable in this transformative era.
Workplace investigations have always been part of the management support landscape. What’s changing now is how these investigations are conducted.
Since 1997, I’ve supported executives at the highest levels—including as PA to the Chairman of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and managing offices in the City of London. Now I help Executive Assistants, Management Assistants, Personal Assistants, Chiefs of Staff and others in the support profession transform from task-takers into genuine business partners.
The workplace needs thoughtful professionals who understand business strategy. Through coaching, training and speaking, I share what two decades in the trenches and years as a business journalist have taught me about the skills that truly matter—the ones AI will never replicate.
Let’s be honest: most EA training is dreadfully dull. Mine isn’t. I create sessions that address your actual challenges, not generic scenarios. They’re interactive, challenging and immediately useful. We focus on developing the strategic thinking, leadership presence and business acumen that transforms your position within the organisation.
The gap between what most organisations say they want from their EAs and what they actually support is often vast. Having navigated this disconnect myself, from managing high-profile executives to reporting on workplace dynamics as a journalist, I understand the unique pressures of your position. This dual perspective shapes everything I do.
I coach and train Executive Assistants across the UK and internationally, both online and in-person. My approach is shaped by years at the coalface of executive support and my subsequent work as a business journalist examining workplace trends.
If you’re tired of platitudes and want someone who genuinely understands your challenges, let’s chat.